Thursday, 12 November 2009

Music Video For Current Project

K.I.G ft Wiley - We're Rolling

We have chosen this video as it is a popular song at the moment but also is a song that is set to what the video should be about which allows us as a group to bring ideas and options to the planning of the music video as there is less restrictions. There are so many options to what this music video could be so we can all brainstorm seperately and try to intergrate our ideas into one masterpiece that will flow and b entertaining from the start to the end of the music video. Also we tried to indentify a song that is feauturing an artist which would allow us to sway from our concept a little without disrupting the flow of the video which would again allow us to use more of the ideas we have come up with to make the final product a diverse and enjoyable music video and not a music videos we have come accustomed to seeing.

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