Monday 10 May 2010


Step by Step Guide

This is our step by step guide as to how we develpoped our CD Cover. You can see our finished product earlier in my blog. This took much time and was done using adobe photoshop.


Sunday 9 May 2010


I feel that as a group we was quite successful in meeting the required criteria, we may not have reached it as efficiently as we first thought but we got there in the end which is what counts the most. I am particularly proud of our music video as we had many things that hindered our progress but we still overcame them and with the result product being of a high standard and receiving many good reviews from people that have viewed it on Youtube. I would say that although it was the most successful the music video could have been better, whereas with the other project there is a limit to what you can do with that piece of coursework whereas with the music video there is always places where you could improve and you can never be entirely happy with you product. Nevertheless we handled all the products simultaneously and quite easily to be honest due to the way we could adapt fairly quickly to new programmes and techniques and if one of us didn't quite grasp it, we had 2 other members that would help them through it.
If we was able to start the project again I would have planned more thoroughly. I feel we done well in terms of time but we could have saved alot of wasted energy.
As discussed previously our audience would be from teens to early 20 year olds as this is the type of music that would be played in clubs, and that is the group of people that go clubbing whether that be over 18 or under 18. Most people that have watched it have been from that age group and the response has been wholly encouraging. The plot has been applauded and we have been told it easy to understand. The constructive criticism we have received is that the quality of the camera isn't always good which is something we have no control over.

CD Cover

The CD Cover we produced as team shows how we incorporated all the different aspects of the music video into the product. Not only do we show our material possessions but also poking fun of ourselves and the genre with the gun. The bag at the front of the CD is there for those who have already watched the video as well as those who haven't as it would add an element of mystery as to what it represents. We also have the obvious post modernism in it as reference to the Scarface style of advertising. The black and white in all the four boxes. We have followed the Scarface template with the informative part of the CD Case on the right. People may assume we are trying to put across an image of gangster or criminals but once the video is watched it would become apparent that we are taking the genre lightly.
We edited this using Photoshop, I learned the "Scarface technique" by watching tutorials and following them, then applying them to various pictures until I perfected it which is displayed in the intricate black and white work on the hand of the character in the top left hand corner.

Constructing of the Production

As a group we had many obstacles that we had to overcome from the start. We didn't always plan sufficiently enough which caused setbacks, for example we planned to film in a complex which we had planned intensively for and had spent hours upon hours debating the camera shots and what scene would be shot where and at what time, all these numerous plans were scrapped due to security reasons and we was not allowed to film there. This left us with a tough decision to make regarding whether we change the storyline to accommodate another location or we find another suitable location with the same or slightly adjusted storyline.
Luckily for us we found another location shortly after which allowed us to use the storyline and bring in some ideas that we previously scrapped due to the restrictions the location placed upon us. We used variety of shots from long shots to pans to hight angle shots. We had some difficulties at times do to the time we was filming at which was late at night so it was hard to get volunteers to help us with the filming so we had to make sure each shot went smoothly as we had limited time and wouldn't have the time to rewind each take to see how it went. Several times during filming we left the camera in positions to film us if we was all involved in the scene, this was risky as we would not know the quality of the footage but it paid of as the final product was to a high quality.
Our editing skills at first wasn't to a good standard as we had only just got the mac but as the project ticked along we become more competent at using it and by the end was able to efficiently use the programme to create desired effects such as slow motion, reverse speed and flashes. The editing took more time the filming, we done it as a group and individually when we had free periods. We added fades, brightened scenes and played two clips at the same time to show how diverse we are in our editing skills and to make the music video more interesting.

Research into Post Modernism

I felt that for me to be able to produce a work I was happy with I would have to know a great deal more with what I wanted to create. So I took time away from my class to study Post Modernism but more specifically people that i feel have expressed Post Modernism in a way that makes the audience think more than most. Through my research I found Quentin Tarantino very interesting and found that he applied ideas that may not necessarily been totally original but incorporated them in such a complex way that it seemed like a totally new aspect of film making. For instance in Pulp Fiction, he adjusts the structure of the plot so you are not fully aware of what the storyline is until the end. I felt that to a lesser degree I could implement this in our music video which would add another dimension to the production as it would not only have a storyline and be comical but it would challenge the audience to piece part of the jigsaw together. I learnt that by leaving questions about media unanswered creates more possible answers than first was thought. This would help keeping the audience focused on the video even after it has finished which is overall the main point of promoting and releasing a music video. The more people are to discuss and debate the meaning of certain aspects the more the video will be watched to try to figure it out thus creating a bigger hype and advertisement for the artist and the song. This opens doors for the artists in future due to the reputation that their music videos would carry and possibly have a continued video from the current one creating further advertisement.

Friday 7 May 2010

Planning Production

We as a group put much plan into what the direction of the prodcutiong should be. We had to decide upon the target audience, the storyline/plot, structure, actors, setting and the technical aspect of the media work that we would need to incorporate such as the type of camera shots, whether we would mime, the amount of acting as well as the overall genre of the music video that would easily contribute to the production being post modern. After the change of plan our production took a different direction and as a group we decided that a comedic route would be best to compliment the post modernism we want to acheive. We would have some dance routines that wouldnt be too serious. There was many problems to do with the acquiring of the cameras at specific times we needed it. We decided that we would film at night time so that limited our potential filiming time drastically as opposed to if we was to film during the day. We decided this as at night time the scenary at which we would be filming would be consitent in terms of weather and lighting. I feel i took on a directorial role in the group and was a constant provider of ideas, concepts and places to film. We worked effectively as a group

Wednesday 24 February 2010

Change of Plan

On February 22nd we as a group decided to reassess our Music Video plot as we saw difficulties in how we would have filmed the complete story. We decided to follow a different path which would allow us to incorporate post modernism throughout the music video to make it more evident and help the audience to understand that message that we are trying to convey.
Our story has changed from the original synopsis which was quite a serious music video to a comedic music video which pokes fun at the Hip Hop community and jokingly plays on the stereotypical scenarios which consistently appear in music video from the start of the Hip Hop genre to today as we know it.
We feel that this would be the easier route to take as we considered all attributes of the group as well as the resources available to us and decided that neither of us are strong actors and neither of us have the resources to try and convey the image that we are ‘filthy rich’ so we decided to mock the whole concept of the song “we’re Rollin’” and decide to act like we are rich by showing off cheap and worthless goods. We will not only take jabs at the Hip Hop scene but also the R’n’B by having a mock dance scene. We cannot change the lyrics of the song to increase the amount of post modernism but we can adapt the scenes and mimic other similar videos to the point where the audience understand that we are poking fun at them specific groups such as, B2K, 50 Cent, The Game and other various artists and groups.

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Letter to Music Company

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Kofi Asomani and I am contacting you regarding the use of media which you current have ownership of. I am a year 13 college student, currently studying Media Studies at All Saints school in Dagenham Essex. The project we have been set for our coursework is to produce a music video for a song of our choice. The song our group would like to use is K.I.G Featuring Wiley - We're Rollin'. We in no way plan to use this for mass distribution or to get personal gain but for the sole purpose of producing a music video to go witht he song. This music video will in no way resemble the current videp that goes with it.

We as a media group which consist of two other persons, would be very grateful if you gave us the permission to use the song.

Yours Sincely Kofi Asomani

If you would like to confirm the authorities of this request my
Tutor can be contacted at
All Saints Catholic School.
Terling Road, Wood lane

Mr. McGraw
Tel: 020 8270 4242

If you have any further questions please contact.

Thanking you in advance