Sunday 9 May 2010

Research into Post Modernism

I felt that for me to be able to produce a work I was happy with I would have to know a great deal more with what I wanted to create. So I took time away from my class to study Post Modernism but more specifically people that i feel have expressed Post Modernism in a way that makes the audience think more than most. Through my research I found Quentin Tarantino very interesting and found that he applied ideas that may not necessarily been totally original but incorporated them in such a complex way that it seemed like a totally new aspect of film making. For instance in Pulp Fiction, he adjusts the structure of the plot so you are not fully aware of what the storyline is until the end. I felt that to a lesser degree I could implement this in our music video which would add another dimension to the production as it would not only have a storyline and be comical but it would challenge the audience to piece part of the jigsaw together. I learnt that by leaving questions about media unanswered creates more possible answers than first was thought. This would help keeping the audience focused on the video even after it has finished which is overall the main point of promoting and releasing a music video. The more people are to discuss and debate the meaning of certain aspects the more the video will be watched to try to figure it out thus creating a bigger hype and advertisement for the artist and the song. This opens doors for the artists in future due to the reputation that their music videos would carry and possibly have a continued video from the current one creating further advertisement.

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