Friday, 7 May 2010

Planning Production

We as a group put much plan into what the direction of the prodcutiong should be. We had to decide upon the target audience, the storyline/plot, structure, actors, setting and the technical aspect of the media work that we would need to incorporate such as the type of camera shots, whether we would mime, the amount of acting as well as the overall genre of the music video that would easily contribute to the production being post modern. After the change of plan our production took a different direction and as a group we decided that a comedic route would be best to compliment the post modernism we want to acheive. We would have some dance routines that wouldnt be too serious. There was many problems to do with the acquiring of the cameras at specific times we needed it. We decided that we would film at night time so that limited our potential filiming time drastically as opposed to if we was to film during the day. We decided this as at night time the scenary at which we would be filming would be consitent in terms of weather and lighting. I feel i took on a directorial role in the group and was a constant provider of ideas, concepts and places to film. We worked effectively as a group

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